Learn information directly from the engineer. Browse application notes written during the design process by our application engineers.
Product Datasheets
Our library of data sheets contain the critical information on the performance, design and technical specifications of our entire product lineup.
3-D CAD Drawings
Get a three-dimensional look at our products before purchasing. Download a mechanical CAD drawing to understand the exact size and measurements to ensure it’s the right fit for your fixture design
IES Photometry
Our Illuminating Engineering Society plain text files contain data on light for architectural programs that can simulate light.
Spectral Power Distribution Charts
Our SPD charts show the precise color output of a given light engine by charting the level of energy present at each wavelength across the visible spectrum.
Safety Agency Approvals
Download all the safety agency approval documents associated with each particular product.
Dimmer Compatibility Charts
ERP tests our precision power drivers with a variety of leading dimmer manufacturer products. Download these charts to see all the details for each particular driver.
Environmental, Health & Safety
Download various conformity and compliance documents regarding environmental topics.